Being insecure is hard and it is something we have all went through at one time or another. Everyone has something in their life that they are insecure about and this kind of feeling can cause you to be held back in all things in your life.
These feelings can come from the smallest things such as not wearing designer glasses or even big things such as not getting a raise that you want at work or being in a bad relationship. Because you do not really believe that you deserve happiness in your life.
There are so many reasons that people can tell you that insecurity is caused by this and that such as growing up in a bad home or being in a place where you felt unsafe or people were always telling you negative things about yourself. All of this can make you feel that you are not worthy of love or make you feel that you are bad at things that you do.
The great news is that insecurities do not determine who you are. You can overcome insecurities rather they are big, or they are small and all you have to do is make a plan and work on yourself.
No matter what you are feeling or how bad or not good enough you feel, you are good enough, period.
Getting Rid of Insecurities
One of the best ways to get rid of insecurities is to stop judging yourself. We all have emotions, and we all have to start somewhere in life. You have to stop judging yourself negatively and learn to accept that you are insecure and shift your thinking.
Being Your Own Friend
Learn to be your own best friend and know that you can love yourself rather anyone loves you or not. When you have doubt, learn to love who you are. Tell yourself that you can do it and that you are good enough to get the job. Tell yourself how qualified in life that you are and that you can go out and get what you deserve.
Small Steps
Do not think that you will automatically be secure just because you say so. Take small steps to working towards a more secure life. Get out of your comfort zone and be more confident. Get rid of your insecurities by talking to people and being more confident.
Feeling Less
Get rid of people in your life that make you feel that you are not good enough. Find friends that lift you up instead of pulling you down.
Body Language
Insecurities can show in all aspects of your life including body language. When you have poor body language you tell others that you don’t want to talk to them or to be around them. Stand up tall and make your body conform to your personality.
Tap It
Learn to be free and to know what tapping is. This is healing of yourself and reprogramming what you are feeling by tapping parts of your body. This can help you and the points are located on your face and body. Look up Chinese acupuncture to learn how to do this.
When something goes well, celebrate yourself. Learn to celebrate who you are and what you accomplish. Have others celebrate with you. Be confident and have fun.
Toot Your Horn
When you are insecure you do not know how great you are. Learn to complement yourself and to take stock in the things you are good at and the good qualities you have. Focus on what makes you special and put this in your mind.
Change your negative story to something good. Stop telling yourself bad things about who you are and change what you say. Do not be critical with yourself. Do not let the past hurt you or hold you back and do not listen to negative voices in your head that tell you that you are not good enough. Figure out where these feelings come from and work on them.
Go to someone that you can talk to and tell them about your insecurities. A therapist can help you to change your mindset and be someone that you can talk to that will not judge you.