The inner voice can be defined as a critical yet integrated design of thoughts often destructive usually aimed at ourselves or even at others. These voices are the cause of an individual’s destructive nature. The inner voice cannot be considered as a form of hallucination as these voices are thoughts running through an individual’s head. These negative thoughts then discourage the affected individual from doing what is best for them.
Effects of the Critical Inner Voice
This important yet dangerous voice can affect an individual’s life significantly. The critical inner voice can interfere with individual self-confidence or even self-esteem. This interference will then affect how individuals relate with others both intimately and personally. This will, in turn, affect the performance of these individuals at work or even school. These thoughts underrate the power of our inner self and personal beliefs by promoting self-denial, addictions of all manners, and self-criticism and misdirecting individuals from their set goals. Examples include thoughts like “I’m very stupid.” Other people also have thoughts undermining their careers, like “I’ll never be successful,” or even thoughts about how they should relate with others. Examples include “Nobody cares about me”.
Origin of Critical Inner Voices
These voices are usually caused by experiences of individuals from their early lives. Most of the time these voices come from our teachers or even parents. Children then take over these negative energies as what they are or are supposed to be. These voices can also be caused by the type of communications individuals have with their siblings or even friends.
Difference between Conscience and Critical Inner Voice
Most people usually think that in case they decide to stop listening to the voices inside them, they will disconnect from their natural conscience. This is not usually the case as the critical inner voice, unlike conscience, cannot be trusted as a guide of morality in everyday society. On the opposite, these inner voices usually degrade individuals and at times punish them for their actions thus leading individuals to make unwise decisions. This will, in turn, increase the emotional state of self-contempt among individuals.
Conquering my Critical Inner Voice
For an individual to take control of this inner voice, one must be consciously aware of what their voice is telling them. To help with this identification, every individual needs to detect sudden negative changes in emotions. Once these changes have been detected, it is very easy for an individual to take control of the situation by deciding not to undertake those decisions or even not listening at all.
Critical Inner Voice
The critical voice inside individuals can be defined as the imagination of using language as a tool for defending oneself. The idea of the inner voice is usually associated with the contrast in degree of sadness or even anger at times and not the mental processes only.
Believing in or against yourself
Each individual usually has certain behaviors or even traits that they associate with. Also, individuals have tendencies to develop and try as much as possible to reach their goals. These qualities identify each individual uniquely and usually expose the unseen part of our personalities. The positivity in an individual’s life is usually expressed by their physical attributes and the ability to express positive emotions. These positive traits are incorporated into an individual’s life by their parents or any other concerned adults and they grow as an individual continues to mature. They are influenced by what a person learns, enjoys or the experiences one has when growing up.
Roles of the Critical Inner Voice
The critical inner voice is said to be the part of an individual that is meant to turn us against our own decisions by opposing the ongoing developments in a person’s life. This inner voice usually encourages defeat while promoting self-destruction and pessimistic ideologies. The inner voice usually varies from one individual to another. It undermines the ability of a person to realistically interpret occurrences by triggering negative moods. This will, in turn, lead to a feeling of being left out or even being separated from the people we love and care about. Unlike auditory hallucinations, the critical inner voice is experienced as thoughts within our heads. The impact that these thoughts on actions, emotions or even the quality of peoples’ lives as a whole is usually destructive.
Confronting ones’ Critical Inner Voice
We can always challenge the decisions made by our inner voices by becoming conscious whenever there is a change of mood within our lives. We should be able to investigate the cause of such shifts in moods and why the change occurred. A feeling of being relaxed after such self-evaluation means that interpretation of the event is complete making one be able to take control over their inner voice.
The equilibrium between the two distinct sides of the human personality is considered delicate and thus can be tipped easily. We, therefore, should not fall prey to our moods. We can achieve this by identifying how our inner voice operates and the role it plays in our lives. This will ensure that each individual is free to pursue their happiness.