You will never be able to love others if you cannot love yourself. There are many reasons why you find it harder to love yourself than others. We are our worst critic and we often put ourselves down, allow toxic relationships in our life and we dwell on the things we are not good out.
No matter why you do not love yourself, you have to learn to love and care for yourself and you deserve this. Loving yourself is not selfish but it is how you learn to love yourself and others.
Here are some ways that you can learn to love yourself more.
Know You
Learn to figure out what you believe in and what you value. You cannot love yourself if you don’t know who you are.
Say No
Set boundaries and learn to say no. People have to respect you because you deserve it.
Stop comparing yourself to others. You are who you are, and you do not need to make comparisons.
Be Here
Stop letting things distract you. When you are with people you love, be with them and do not let yourself be distracted by unimportant things.
Know what you are good at. We all have things we do well. These are gifts we have been given. Focus on what you do good and be positive about it.
Healthy Treats
Put things in your fridge that are healthy to munch on. Treat yourself with good things each day. This can make you feel good and you get it just because you are you.
Be Honest
Be honest with things in your life. Stop trying to lie to yourself. Never make excuses for things you have not done right and take responsibility for them.
We all make mistakes, but our mistakes do not define us. We are harder on ourselves than others are. Learn to know you are human and we all make mistakes.
Forgive yourself for things that have happened in your life. You have to forgive yourself for your past mistakes just like you have to forgive others. Stop judging yourself based on your past.
People won’t Like You
Some people will not like you and you have to know that is okay. Stop wasting your time on people that are not on your side. Find people that support you and who you are.
Find fun things to do in your life. Take a night out to go have fun or take a break on the couch. Never fail to give yourself time to have fun. This is important.
Be thankful for what you have. We will not ever have everything we want but most of us have what we need. Focusing on being thankful can make your life more positive.
Write down things you are good at and say them over and over. Writing about the things you accomplished can make you feel important when you feel bad.
Allow yourself to feel your feelings. Do not ignore them or put them as unimportant. This can be uncomfortable but that is okay. Learn to express yourself and what you are feeling.
Take care of your body by exercising, eating right and getting enough sleep. Limit bad behaviors or addictions.
Find a hobby that you like such as a cooking class or bowling. Do this each week and learn to have some fun and let go.
Stand Up
Stand up for yourself when people say something to you. Be assertive in who you are. Love who you are and communicate this. Do not allow abusive people to stay in your life or to hurt you.
Be Kind
Be kind to others. Always treat others with love and respect. Surround yourself with people that will treat you that same way.
Ask for Help
If you need help, ask. There is nothing wrong with needing help and we all need some sometimes.
Have Downtime
Take time to relax and to get away from the busy times in the world. Spend time watching television, taking a bath, or just relaxing. This can recharge you and make you feel better about who you are.
You have to learn to love who you are because you are always going to be with yourself. Learn to love yourself and be your best friend. No matter what you are going through, the relationship that you have with yourself is the most important relationship you can have. Embrace your differences and learn to have love and happiness with yourself.